Step 2 - Choose number of Minutes

2500 Minutes

2500 pre-paid shared domestic usage minutes. (inter and intra office calls to other cloud connect extensions are free).

5000 Minutes

5000 pre-paid shared domestic usage minutes. (inter and intra office calls to other cloud connect extensions are free).

7500 Minutes

7500 pre-paid shared domestic usage minutes. (inter and intra office calls to other cloud connect extensions are free).

10,000 Minutes

10,000 pre-paid shared domestic usage minutes. (inter and intra office calls to other cloud connect extensions are free)

15,000 Minutes

15,000 pre-paid shared domestic usage minutes. (inter and intra office calls to other cloud connect extensions are free)

Cloud Connect Office Add-Ons 

DID - public telephone numbers (local)

If you would like to have an additional local telephone number we can add multiple numbers to your solution and have them go to the same or different call forwarding locations.

VTN - virtual telephone number (any area code)

If you would like to have an additional remote telephone number we can add multiple numbers to your solution and have them go to the same or different call forwarding locations.

e911 - Enhanced 911 service

911 service per physical location. Each phone is configured with an e911 setting so, we are able to locate, in case of an emergency call.

vFax - Fax to email service

Save paper and add our Fax to Email service. You will need a DID or VTN to associate to your vFax service. (add DID/VTN for $1.99)

Mobile App - (Smartphone App)

Add inbound and outbound dialing with our SIP Softphone. Make calls from your Smartphone App with the caller ID of your choosing (one of your DIDs or VTNs).

Copyright © VOIPHEAD, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Service Plan Description

The Cloud Connect Bundled Service Plan is an al la cart type service plan for our Cloud Connect users. The Bundle plan is a service plan that enables companies to realize additional cost savings based on shared usage across the company. This pricing model provides VOIPHEAD customers with a "pay for only what you use" type model, and is perfect for companies with one or multiple offices or mobile workers. (Step 1: Choose # of Extensions, Step 2: Choose # of Minutes, Step 3: Choose Call Paths)  Learn More


Step 1 - Choose number of Extensions

1 Extension

One Cloud Connect Extension with ability to configure on any SIP endpoint (IP Phone or Softphone).

10 Extension Pack

Ten Cloud Connect Extensions with ability to configure on any SIP endpoint (IP Phone or Softphone) within your environment.

20 Extension Pack

Twenty Cloud Connect Extensions with ability to configure on any SIP endpoint (IP Phone or Softphone) within your environment.

50 Extension Pack

Fifty Cloud Connect Extensions with ability to configure on any SIP endpoint (IP Phone or Softphone) within your environment.

100 Extension Pack

Fifty Cloud Connect Extensions with ability to configure on any SIP endpoint (IP Phone or Softphone) within your environment.

Cloud Connect Bundled Pricing - Hosted IP Phones

Connect Bundles

Voice Over IP Solutions


Step 3 - Choose number of Call Paths (phone lines)

1 Call Path

1 call path connection, in or out to the public telephony network. (inter and intra office calls to other cloud connect extensions are unlimited).

10 Call Path

10 call path connection, in or out to the public telephony network. (inter and intra office calls to other cloud connect extensions are unlimited).

20 Call Path

20 call path connection, in or out to the public telephony network. (inter and intra office calls to other cloud connect extensions are unlimited).

50 Call Path

50 call path connection, in or out to the public telephony network. (inter and intra office calls to other cloud connect extensions are unlimited).

(866) 420-3577

12826 Country RidgeSan Antonio, TX78216US
Phone: (210) 499-0134 Website: